Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Seafood Platter With Sweet Potato Waffles

October 20, 2016 MENU

For breakfast I ate some leftover cheese grits.  Just because I didn't want to waste them.  I was going to go home early to work on a few things for my evening event and had a light meal planned.  When I got home my mom had purchased a piece of fried chicken and boiled a potato to make bake potatoes.  Well I cut my potato in half and went to put on the butter and then the sour cream.  The sour cream was spoiled.  So I took my other half of the potato and made a buttered potato instead.  lol  Make do I say.  My event started at 3 pm for me so I brought me a cheese cake bar as a snack.  I had planned on eating when the presentation started around 7.  I needed something to eat before then.  Well last year they served finger foods.  Later in the event all I saw flying around the room was cake.  I was really hungry by 8 pm so I ate a piece of cake.  Oh the sinfulness of having to resort to eating that cake.  I knew I was going over on my calories.  I had my mom with me and by the time the event ended it was 10pm.  She was starving, so we went eat at Roxy's.  We looked at the menu and nothing spoke to us like the seafood platter.  We opted to split the plate.  I wanted the fried oysters and she wanted the fried shrimp and fish.  I took my oysters and a few sweet potato fries to complete my plate.  Look at what was still left in the platter!  My mom didn't event finish half of it and we took a full plate home with us.  This plate was HUGE!  So in reality 3 people could make a meal off this plate of food. Looking at my calories now I did a great job with my last meal under the circumstances.  I really could have done a lot worse.  I could have eaten some of the fish, shrimp or more fries.  I was full and ready for bed at that point.  I could have waited to eat when I got  home buy my mom felt she couldn't wait.  I finished the day with a total of 1714 calories for the day.  I was over by 384 calories.   If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating


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