Friday, October 14, 2016

Milky Way Candy

Thursday October 13, 2016 MENU

For today's meal I really had no idea what I was going to eat.  I opted for some oatmeal for breakfast.  For lunch I meet with my mom.  We got a link of sausage and some chicken nuggets.  I ate 2 nuggets since I knew my boudin would be around 500 calories.  I just really wanted to taste chicken nuggets and get rid of any cravings I may have for them.  After lunch I was thirsty for something other than water.  I had a cup of coffee with a snack from a fun size Milky Way (Halloween candy size).  I always tell anyone who is dieting.  Don't stay away from things you love.  Eat it, in moderation that is.  See I could go to the store and get a Milky Way bar for 264 calories or I can have a snack size for only 80.  Eat it slower and you will get your candy kick without all the calories. The picture is some examples of the snack size candies.  They also have them in mini sizes. Just remember will power to say no to eating more.   For supper I ate my leftover spaghetti.   I finished the day with a total of 1182 calories for the day.  I was under my calories by 148.   If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating


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