Sunday, October 2, 2016

Scout Day Fundraisers

Saturday October 1, 2016 MENU

Today was an exhausting day.  We had 2 fundraisers going on at the same time for our Venturing Crew.  We are raising money to go to the National Jamboree in West Virginia.  Since it was a long day I didn't not keep track of my calories, but did keep track of portions.  Our first fundraiser began at 5:30 am by cooking breakfast for a side car bike group.  Since I knew it was so early in the morning and we wouldn't get to eat till around 9 I made me a southern grilled cheese.  Wow grill cheese was 240 calories.  Breakfast fundraiser was a hit.  Before we cleaned up the second fundraiser crew came in and we all ate together.  this was about 9:30 by this time.  I needed a snack.  I got a sausage with some jelly and a scrambled egg.  That was a big snack with 310 calories.  But I wasn't sure when I would eat again.  The second fundraiser crew helped clean up and we loaded the popcorn to go sell at the local grocery store.  A third crew came and some of the morning crew stayed.   We went make potato salad and several other things for the evening fundraiser with the bike people.  The others were still selling popcorn.  All crews took a break around 1 and we had Pizza Hut meal.  I ate just one slice of pizza, one bread stick and I really felt like I needed an orange Fanta.  Oh wow that was bad, 560 calories in that little bit of food and drink.  I went back with the popcorn crew after and we worked till 5pm.  We all went to the bike event and served supper.  One of our scouts also did an eagle dance and hoops for them.  We ate supper after everyone was served, which was 8pm.  We were starving.  Out of all the things they had, I skipped on most of them.  I settled for a huge serving of beef brisket and a helping of peach cobbler.   That big hunk of meat was nearly 600 calories.  I knew I shouldn't have, but I was so tired and hungry at this point.  We cleaned up and went home finally at 9:30 pm.  Summary is, I worked with scout group from 5 am to 9:30 pm. I borrowed my daughters Fitbit this week and I wore it today.   When I did have Fitbit on, it said I walked 13,500+ steps. I actually walked more because part of the day it fell off my arm and I had to find it.  I also took it off to wash dishes for 2 hours.   I finished the day with a total of 1837 calories for the day.  I was way over my calories by 507.   I did not log my exercise.  Because I don't really know what calories I actually burned.  I do know, I sat down when I ate and when I was in the car.  The rest of the day I either stood or walked.  I am sure I burned that extra calories I ate.  It was a rough day.   Moral of today's blog, don't starve if you are doing a lot in one day.  You may need those extra calories to keep you going.  I wasn't tired and I wasn't hungry.  The meals were spread far enough apart to not make a real big impact.  My home scale showed that my weight did not change from Friday.   If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating

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