Friday, October 7, 2016

Meal Snacking

Wednesday October 5, 2016 MENU

My morning started with breakfast of course.  I didn't know what I wanted.  I knew I didn't want breakfast food.  I also looked in the fridge at work to see what I had for lunch.  I had a pretty high in calorie lunch waiting for me.  So I opted to do meal snacking.  Well as you may have read a few days back that I had purchased some 1/2 cup portion containers.  These little cups are making it easy to adjust my sides to fit my meal, it's easier to heat for my meal snacking and to measure my portions.  Meal sides should almost be 1/2 cup or less.  Unless you eat some baked veggies like I make.  If you eat that, a portion size is 1 cup.  I put my leftovers in many small containers, as you see in the photo.  I had one for the rice dressing, one for the baked beans, one for coleslaw and I had one a little larger for the chicken.  My meal snacking began with the rice dressing.  Then for a snack I ate the baked beans.  Then for lunch time I ate the chicken.  Each meal was eaten when I felt hungry.  For the afternoon around 3 I felt hungry.  I didn't want the coleslaw.   I ate some of my homemade sugar coated popcorn instead.  I did plenty of cardio today.  I went walk around the trail at work and I went to the gym for 30 minutes.  For supper I was not that hungry so I baked some Parmesan crusted talapia.  If I felt hungry before bed, I would get me a snack or something.  Well I was full for the rest of the evening.  I finished the day with a total of 829 calories for the day.  I was under my calories by 501.   My calories should not have been that low.  But I did eat 5 times and I felt full.  I will maybe treat myself to a glass of tea or something if that happens again.  If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating

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