Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pan Grilled Fish and Oven Roasted Vegetables 297 Calories

Pan Grilled Fish and Oven Roasted Vegetables

Ok here is an easy and quick meal.  I seasoned my vegetables and fish using my olive oil seasoning blend link here: .  I get the vegetables at Sam's Club in the fresh vegetable cooler by the celery, lettuce area.  For this serving I poured 4 cup of veggies (break cauliflower and broccoli into smaller pieces if needed) on a foil lined sheet pan for easy clean up for 3 people (I forgot to take a picture and the plate is one I had taken has cauliflower, broccoli, yellow squash and zucchini squash in it.  But you get the idea.  I will update this when I cook it again).  Follow these directions on how to bake it  .  As you see in the recipe you can use any fresh vegetables.  It takes about 2 minutes to prepare and 35 to 45 minutes to cook.  You kind of decide how cooked you prefer your veggies.   Ok for this serving of vegetables seen on the plate was 162 calories for 1 1/2 cups.  The fish I cooked in a real good nonstick skillet with a tablespoon of my oil blend and a tablespoon of butter and seasonings you prefer with 4 Members Mark tilapia fillets.  Each fillet is around 3 to 4 oz and should serve 4 people. In my case it served 3 because my daughter ate 2.   Cook on medium high or higher, when the butter starts to turn brown it's time to cook the fish.  Cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side.  Each serving of fish is 135 calories, that is for 3 oz.'s.  So this dish has a total of 297 calories.  If your really hungry you could add 1/2 a fish or some more veggies to your plate.  But keep it under 400 calories.  You can probably make it less calories than that by baking the fish.  But I prefer to cook my fish this way.  Because you know it's how southern women diet! lol

A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power.  Second portion control with good choices.  Third is physical activity.

Happy Eating

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