Friday, January 27, 2017

Light Taco's 412 Calories

Light Taco's 412 Calories

Believe it or not, but taco's can be very high in calories.  Make taco's for the family in a snap.  For your serving make 2 taco's using 2 Old el Paso Taco's 100 calories, 4 ounces of 90\10 ground meat 200 calories, taco seasoning 15 calories, 2 tablespoons Kroger's light sour cream 45 calories, 2 tablespoons Sargento light cheddar cheese 45 calories, and spinach instead of lettuce 7 calories.  The photo with 2 tacos weighs in at 412 calories.  I put the calories for each ingredient in case there is a lower calorie option you may like and you can calculate the changes.  Only takes 8 minutes to prepare.  A crucial part of everyone's diet is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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