Saturday, January 21, 2017

Scrambled Eggs Bacon and Cheese 245 Calories

Scrambled Eggs Bacon and Cheese

When your on a 1,330 calorie a day diet you have to learn to eat within your budget.  You don't want to be hungry.  You also don't want to eat all or half your calories in just one meal.  My meal plan I budget with the drinks to have around 400 calories per meal and two 100 calorie snacks.  I eat my snacks whenever I feel hungry,  I either eat my one snack all at once or I graze on it till my next meal.  So for my breakfast I choose 2 jumbo eggs scrambled,  1 tablespoon of the Hormel real bacon bits and once cooked I topped it with a slice of cheese.  This meal weighs in at 245 calories.  I like a huge cup of coffee with my breakfast.  So my total calorie intake for breakfast is 289.  I could have a slice of bread with it, but nah... I'm good.  This meal took a total of 5 minutes to make.  The precooked real bacon bits is a real time saver.  This meal will make me feel fuller longer.

A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical activities.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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