Sunday, January 22, 2017

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie 293 Calories

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Ok, so here is a great healthy breakfast to eat on the go.  This will also help you get some vitamins and fruit in your diet.  To prepackage this breakfast place 1 cup diced strawberries (fresh or frozen), 1/2 sliced banana, 1 large handful of fresh spinach in a Ziploc bag with instruction written on it.  Place in the freezer until needed.  When you blend place ingredients in the blender, add 3 tablespoons of PBfit peanut butter powder (not the 4 listed on the Ziploc), 1 scoop of purely inspired Organic Protein and 1 cup dark chocolate almond milk.  The combination may appear to you that it will not taste like chocolate, peanut butter and banana, but I am here to tell you it does!  I recommend to made this meal fulfilling for a meal replacement and lower the calories to make sure you get the powdered peanut butter and protein powder.   If  you don't want to do as a meal replacement then eliminate the protein powder and save yourself 65 calories.  The powdered peanut butter has 75% less fat and 66% fewer calories than regular peanut butter.  Weighs in at 293 calories, if you don't use the protein powder it would be 228 calories.  Please note if your using as a meal replacement to put the protein powder in.  It will keep you fuller longer.

A crucial part of everyone's dieting is willpower.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical activities.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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