Thursday, February 2, 2017

Loose Hamburger Steak Sandwich 410 Calories

Loose Hamburger Steak Sandwich 410 Calories

Here is a quick meal.  Saute onions and bell peppers in a good non stick skillet to your desired tenderness.  Set aside when completed.  In the same skillet brown and cook your ground meat.  Sprinkle a little powdered brown gravy mix to thicken and season up with some Cajun seasoning.  I served myself 3 ounces of meat on this fancy white bolillo roll from Walmart.  Sprinkled with some sauteed veggies and one slice of low calorie cheese.  You can save yourself some calories if you omit the cheese.  The cheese I  used has 40 calories.  The bread is 210 calories. This meal weighs in at 410  calories.

A crucial part of everyone's diet is willpower.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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