Tuesday, February 21, 2017

White Beans and Sausage Soup 380 Calories

White Beans and Sausage Soup 380 Calories

This meal is super duper easy and serves 6 people.  Soak 1 pound of white beans for 8 to 12 hours.  Brown 1 large onion and one pound of smoked sausage in a large stock pot or your pressure cooker.  Then add 8 cups of water and the beans to the pot.  Cook on the stove top for 2 Hrs or in the pressure cooker for 25 minutes.  If I were you, I would invest in the pressure cooker.  See, you can put your beans to soak before you leave home for work.  When you get home, you can spend about 10 minutes prepping and 25 minutes to cook this meal.  If you eat with rice, don't serve yourself more than 1/4 cup and a little less beans.  I stay away form starches and do not eat my beans with rice.  Just remember to keep  your calories right around 400.  A crucial part of everyone's diet is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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