Friday, February 24, 2017

Johnsonville Sausage Brats and Grits 365 Calories

Johnsonville Sausage Brats and Grits 365 Calories

This is another meal that you can have anytime.   Cook your Johnsonville brats sausage in a good nonstick skillet, browning on all sides. When it is browned add a little bit of water and cover for about 10 minutes to fully cook.  When you think it is ready take the lid off and cook the water out, will make like a gravy coating on the sausage.  While your doing all this, cook yourself some homemade grits with butter.  The sausage is 260 calories, 1/2 cup of grits is 55 calories and one tablespoon of butter is 50 calories.  Total for this complete meal is 365 calories.  A crucial part of everyone's diet is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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