Sunday, February 19, 2017

It Didn't Happen in a Day

It Didn't Happen in a Day

For years I didn't worry about my weight. Slowly through time I gained. My all time high was almost 280 pounds. Since 2013 I have been working on my weight. I took sodas out of my diet, fast foods were history, except on payday's with the family and snacks were a thing of the past. I began working out at the gym.  Slowly the weight came off. I had lost to 215 pounds.  The photo's below were my before and after shots I had done at that time.  But it was pure torture. I had some financial issues, quit the gym and took a break.  I gained back to 225 pounds.  In late 2015 my work offered a discount at the gym through my insurance and I began exercising again.  Then around August of 2016 I changed one thing. The weight began to melt away and I wasn't depriving myself of anything. I eat whatever it is I am hungry for.  How did I do it?  Well it didn't truly become reality till I started doing portion control with calorie counting (see my very first blog for more details). Eating 3 meals at 400 calories each and 2 100 calorie snacks. Today I am proud to say I weigh 193 pounds! I have 8 pounds to my personal goal!  Then I will get evaluated by a nurse to see where I should be. Updates to come in the future. A crucial part of everyone's dieting is willpower. Second is portion control with good choices. Third is physical exercise. 

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Earing! 

Image may contain: 2 peopleImage may contain: 2 people

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