Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Southern Biscuit and White Gravy 410 calories

Southern Biscuit and White Gravy 410 calories

Southern biscuits and white gravy is a must in my family.  These delicious biscuits do not come in a can.  Here in the south many people know how to make these delicious southern biscuits from scratch, or you can purchase them in the freezer section.   One brand I purchase is called Mary B's Biscuits.   One of these biscuits is 190 calories.  If you make the southern living recipe of white gravy,  1/2 cup is 220 calories.  Now you can vary this recipe anyway you like it.  You can eat half the biscuit and gravy, try a different biscuit with lower calories or you can serve yourself less than 1/2 cup of white gravy.  But, if you make it the way you see it in the photo, it would be 410 calories.  That is one biscuit split in half with 1/2 cup serving of white gravy.  You would not get anything to drink with it except a zero calorie serving of water.  lol  Yes when you eat each meal the calories should be right at 400 calories or less so you only get water to dink with this.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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