Friday, February 17, 2017

Louisiana Gumbo 391 Calories

Louisiana Gumbo 391 Calories

Here in Louisiana chicken and sausage gumbo is a staple item.  Especially in the winter time.  But in my house it's an all year dish.  We make a roux with flour and butter (equal parts), a couple of diced up onions, one pound of Cajun sausage, 6 chicken thighs and little bit of browning and seasoning sauce to make the juice brown with 10 cups of water.  Season to taste.  This recipe should make 10 full bowl servings (1 3/4 cups) at 391 calories.  If you do rice don't have more than 1/4 cup.  A have a little less gumbo in your bowl.  Keep your calories right around 400.  A crucial part of everyone's diet is will power.  Second is portion control with good choices.  Third is physical exercise.

It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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