Monday, December 12, 2016

Onion Bacon Egg Cheese Omelet

Monday December 12, 2016

Ok here is another calorie saving meal.  Your probably wondering why I worry about these small calorie savings. Well when  your trying to loose weight every calorie counts.  It also allows you to eat a little more for the next meal and you won't be so hungry for the day.  Like I said last time when I cook bacon I always cook an extra slice just because I have to slave over the stove top to cook one slice of bacon.  Yea who wants to cook 1 slice of bacon?  Well for breakfast I wanted an omelet for breakfast.  I diced up a quarter of an onion and a teaspoon of bacon bits in skillet till the onions where how I liked them.  Then I fixed my eggs mixture and slow cooked it in a skillet (see link ) .  I would have normally put 2 slices of bacon when cooking this dish.  Using the precooked bacon bits I saved 80 calories.  I could have save some more if I would have used a low calorie cheese also.   That was 80 calories I was able to save.  Your ought to try it.  No difference than using regular bacon.  It's actually better.  I have been doing good on my new eating plan.  I lost another pound Yay! 

A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power.  The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.
It's how southern women diet!
Happy Eating

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