Friday, December 16, 2016

Taco Soup

Friday December 16, 2016

 I am still doing great on my dieting.  I only lost 1 pound in the past week.  It is still good because I am still eating healthy.   On that note a real easy low calorie food is the Weight Watchers taco soup.  You pour a can of this, a can of that and some taco seasoning with ground meat.  In 30 minutes its ready to eat.  Now where this soup can go wrong is if you add too many fixings to it.  Say away from adding cheese, chips and sour cream.  It tastes wonderful just on it's own.  A whole cup is only 239 calories.  If you have the time you could make it a little less calories by using a leaner ground meat or use fresh dried beans instead of canned ones.  The only issue I have with the canned vegetables is that it has way to much salt in it.  This one cup serving has 470mg of salt.  So try you some today.  It is very filling soup with lots and lots of protein.  

A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power.  The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eatting


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