Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Southern Style Nuts

October 25, 2016 MENU

This whole day revolved around what leftovers I would eat and how much of it.  I entered in my lunch options, then the supper options and I choose what to eat for breakfast on what calories I had left.  So oatmeal won! lol  But everyone should have some oatmeal in their diet.  I was doing great.  Until bedtime that was.  I wanted a snack.  Was not sure if I wanted salty or sweet.  My mom bought some of these southern style nuts from Sam's.  As I ate this very tiny portion quarter of a cup of mixed stuff I tried each item slowly to make it appear to be more than it was.  I am not sure I would use this mixed nuts/stuff as a future snack.  I would rather it be just almonds, pecans or cashew's.  I was disappointed on how many peanuts were in this mix.    I finished the day with a total of 1419 calories for the day.  I was over by 89 calories.   I  haven't been blogging about my exercise, but I have been exercising every day faithfully.  If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating


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