Thursday, November 3, 2016

Museum Training

October 27, 2016 MENU

My day started with me heading to Natchitoches to the Magnolia Plantation for a museum training.  I didn't get to eat breakfast.  When we got there they had coffee and little muffin cake slice things. lol  I got a slice of the blueberry one.  Then at lunch time we had club sandwich with spinach on it, potato salad and a dill pickle.  For desert I had 1 chocolate chip cookie.  There was hardly cell service so I had to wing my food diary.  I just knew I was over by now.  But when I got home and entered everything in I had enough calories to eat some leftover baked chicken and mixed vegetables.  I forgot to take a picture of my meal's.   I finished the day with a total of 1305 calories for the day.  I was under by 25 calories. If you like my meal ideas just check out my diary for a list of ingredients for that meal.  And yes! I measured and weighed everything.  A crucial part of everyone's dieting is will power. The second part is portion control with good choices and third is physical activity.

It's how southern women diet!

Happy Eating



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